Just a thought!

Remember that time when your parents are feeding you this, ‘Jhooth nahi bolte beta. Jhooth bolna buri baat hai’.

Translation: Don’t lie. Lying is a bad habit.

Then follows this gyaan, ‘Beta jis jhooth se kisi ka bhala ho raha ho wo jhooth jhooth nahi hai’.

Translation:Son! A lie which saves someone’s ass (be it yours own) isn’t a lie.

Then this, ‘Ab kabhi kabar chalta hai’.

Translation: Sometimes it’s okay!

I don’t know which version of the gyaan is true. Maybe actually there are three things as the saying goes: Your view, My view, and the truth.

Leaving truth aside everything is subjective, hence this [To Lie & Not to lie] I find most difficult to unlearn.

I do lie. And when I do I justify it with my version of the truth.

When someone else lies then I denounce them, reprimand them even when they’re trying to lecture me their version of the truth.

Then what can be done? Or perhaps we should first ask, “Can we do something about it?”
What should we teach children?
Or let them learn on their own. To unravel their own myth.
Maybe we all are too judgmental all the time that we’ve so many versions of truths and we’ve attached feelings and emotions to each one of them. If there’s any data X disagreement from our version of truth then we dislike it. Cannot digest it.
Can we change our focus from teaching them to learn ‘What’s good and bad?’ and ‘Which side he/she should take?’ with….

Son/Daughter ‘Don’t Judge people too quickly’.

Give things time and don’t form a rigid opinion on anything. No one is actually bad.

Image result for don't judge images
Image Courtsey: https://uk.pinterest.com/
You can never see a clear picture with dirty glasses.
